
Date(s) - 2019/05/02
9:00 上午 - 12:00 下午


資訊科技創新研究中心將於 5/2 (四) 邀請荷蘭學者 Tobias Fiebig(TU Delft 助理教授)、Carlos H. Gañán(TU Delft 助理教授)來台與台灣科技大學資工系鄭欣明教授共同主講。


時間 主題
8:30-9:00 報到
9:00-9:10 開幕致詞
9:10-10:00 題目1:Investigating System Operators’ Perspective on Security Misconfigurations
講者1:Prof. Tobias Fiebig

10:00-10:50 題目2:Design of a Large-scale IoT Network Testbed
講者2:Shin-Ming Cheng

10:50-11:10 茶 敘

題目3:IoT botnets:threats and countermeasures
講者3:Prof. Carlos H. Gañán


Tobias Fiebig

助理教授 | 技術,政策和管理學院 | 荷蘭台夫特理工大學
Assistant professor | Technology, Policy and Management | Technische Universiteit Delft

講題:Investigating System Operators’ Perspective on Security Misconfigurations

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig 現職為荷蘭 TU Delft 大學技術,政策和管理學院資訊通訊技術組助理教授。主要研究如何在 IT 系統中辨識、減輕人為因素與可預防之安全問題。為解決網路世界中此常見現象,Dr.-Ing. Fiebig 除了利用質性研究外亦另外開發一套新工具用以評估未來網際網路中的漏洞。而最新出版的研究文章則是在掃描 IPv6 網路此主題提供了顯著貢獻,文章中釐清並減緩了DNS 錯誤設定在 DNS 生態系統中帶來的影響,也是第一篇以系統操作員角度出發探討安全性錯誤設定之論文。

在加入 TU Delft 前,Dr.-Ing. Fiebig 曾任 UC Santa Barbara 客座研究員與 TU Berlin 研究員。在 TU Berlin 期間完成了 2015 年自 Prof. Jean-Pierre Seifert 取得的「enzevalos」 專案,2017 年從 TU Berlin 指導教授 Prof. Anja Feldmann 手上獲得工程學博士。最近Dr.-Ing. Fiebig 與Dr. de Reuve 共同合作的 SafeDEED 專案亦收到來自歐盟 H2020 的資金。

除了學術成就外,Dr.-Ing. Fiebig 常於產業活動如 ICANN DNS Symposium 中擔任主講人,近期還協助產業界專家、政府單位編寫「網路安全典範實錄」 中的安全協議設計章節。他亦積極參與 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) ,致力提升協定與常見錯誤設定之彈性。

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig is an assistant professor in the Information and Communication Technology section at the faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of TU Delft, focusing on identifying and mitigating human-factors based and preventable security issues in IT systems—like those all too common in the Internet of Things. For this, Dr.-Ing. Fiebig uses qualitative research methods, but also develops new tools for the future-proof Internet scale assessment of vulnerabilities. His most recent publications include a significant contribution towards making the IPv6 Internet scanable, understanding and mitigating the impact of DNS misconfigurations in the DNS ecosystem, and the first study on system operators’ perspective on security misconfigurations.

Before joining TU Delft, Dr.-Ing. Fiebig was a visiting researcher at UC Santa Barbara and a researcher at TU Berlin, where he completed project “enzevalos”, which he acquired for Prof. Jean-Pierre Seifert in 2015. Tobias Fiebig received his Dr.-Ing. from Prof. Anja Feldmann in 2017, when she was also at TU Berlin. He recently received a H2020 grant for Project SafeDEED as co-applicant to PI Dr. de Reuver, who is the main applicant from TU Delft.

In addition to the academic reception of his work, Dr.-Ing. Fiebig is also a regular speaker at industry events like the ICANN DNS Symposium, and recently contributed to a joint effort of industry and government experts on compiling a list of “Cybersecurity Best Practices” with a chapter on the principles of secure protocol design. He is also actively involved in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) where he works on improving the resilience of protocols against common misconfigurations.

了解更多 Tobias Fiebig>

鄭欣明 Shin-Ming Cheng

副教授 | 資訊工程系 | 台灣科技大學
Associate Professor | Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering | National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

講題:Design of a Large-scale IoT Network Testbed

鄭欣明教授於 2000 年與 2007 年分別取得台灣大學資訊工程系碩士、博士學位。2007 -2012 間曾任台灣大學電信工程學研究所博士後研究員;2012年開始至台灣科技大學資訊工程系擔任助理教授,並於2017年擔任副教授至今,從 2017年起也兼任中研院資訊科技創新研究中心助研究員。

他的研究領域是在行動網路、網路安全與複雜網路。鄭教授得過IEEE PIMRC 2013最佳論文獎、2014年ACM台灣台北李國鼎青年學者獎與2017 IEEE Xplore Innovation Spotlight。

Prof. Shin-Ming Cheng received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science and information engineering from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2000 and 2007, respectively. He was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University, from 2007 to 2012. Since 2012, he has been on the faculty of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, where he is currently an associate professor. Since 2017, he has been with the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica, Taipei, as a joint assistant research fellow.

His research interests include the areas of mobile networks, cyber security, and complex networks. He was a recipient of the IEEE PIMRC 2013 Best Paper Award, the 2014 ACM Taipei/Taiwan Chapter K. T. Li Young Researcher Award, and 2017 IEEE Xplore Innovation Spotlight.

了解更多 Shin-Ming Cheng>

Carlos H. Gañán

助理教授 | 網路安全經濟 | 荷蘭台夫特理工大學
Assistant professor | Economics of Cybersecurity group | Technische Universiteit Delft

講題:IoT botnets:threats and countermeasures

Dr. Carlos H. Gañán 現職為荷蘭 TU Delft 大學技術,政策和管理學院助理教授。

Dr. Carlos H. Gañán 2008 年於德國亞琛飛利浦實驗室以無線感應器網路安全論文完成電信碩士學位;2010 年攻讀車載資訊系統碩士時研究主題為行動隨意網路中的磁訊號安全傳輸影音串流;2012 年再以車用行動通訊網路安全取得博士學位,而該論文亦被西班牙政府評選為當年最佳博士論文。

Dr. Carlos H. Gañán is an assistant professor in the Economics of Cybersecurity group at TU Delft. His research focuses on the cybersecurity of the Internet of Things, Smart Cities, and Data Science and explores the security requirements of connected products and services for a sustainable future. In 2012, he completed his PhD in the field of information security for vehicular ad-hoc networks which was awarded as the best PhD thesis of that year by the Spanish government. Previously, in 2008 he completed a MSc on Telecommunications writing a thesis on the safety and security of wireless sensor networks at Philips Laboratories in Aachen. After that, in 2010 he received an MSc in Telematics during which he studied the secure transmission of video streaming for mobile ad-hoc networks.

了解更多 Carlos H. Gañán>

關於荷蘭 & 台夫特理工大學

荷蘭在 20 世紀晚期逐漸開始發展為全球最大網路傳輸節點之一,完善的網路基礎設施提供荷蘭數位經濟發展的養分,而許多荷蘭政府機關所在城市- 海牙因同時也是歐洲國際法院所在地,更成為了該國資訊安全技術產業發展的中心。在諸多綜合條件下,荷蘭成為西歐重要的資訊安全重鎮國家。




搭乘 15、18、207、211、235、237、278、284、295、3、52、662、663、685、72、 74、和平幹線、敦化幹線公車至捷運科技大樓站下車,沿復興南路步行 5-10 分鐘至臺大校園。


  • 捷運文湖線科技大樓站出站後沿復興南路(往和平東路方向)直走,由辛亥路進入校園。
  • 捷運新店線公館站2號出口(銘傳國小)出站經舟山路進入校園。


  • 停車資訊: 臺大法學院停車格、台大新體育館地下停車場、校外停車格


